hdu 4686 Arc of Dream (矩阵快速幂)
An Arc of Dream is a curve defined by following function:
where a0 = A0 ai = ai-1AX+AY b0 = B0 bi = bi-1BX+BY What is the value of AoD(N) modulo 1,000,000,007?
There are multiple test cases. Process to the End of File.
Each test case contains 7 nonnegative integers as follows: N A0 AX AY B0 BX BY N is no more than 1018, and all the other integers are no more than 2×109.
For each test case, output AoD(N) modulo 1,000,000,007.
Sample Input
1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sample Output
134 1902
这道题目可以构造矩阵,首先我们知道AoD(n) 可以由AoD(n-1)+a[n-1]*b[n-1]求得。这样我们将这些因素构成矩阵即可使用矩阵快速幂优化。注意n==0的时候输出0.
#includeusing namespace std;const long long mod = 1000000007;long long ans[5];long long s[5][5];long long tans[5];long long ts[5][5];long long ret[5][5];long long cal[5][5];long long n,A0,B0,AX,AY,BX,BY;void mul(long long a[][5],long long b[][5],long long c[][5]){ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++){ c[i][j] = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++){ c[i][j] = (c[i][j] + a[i][k]*b[k][j]%mod)%mod; } } }}void init(){ ans[0] = A0; ans[1] = B0; ans[2] = A0*B0%mod; ans[3] = ans[2]; ans[4] = 1; s[0][0] = AX;s[0][1] = s[0][2] = s[0][3] = 0; s[0][4] = AY; s[1][0] = 0;s[1][1] = BX;s[1][2] = s[1][3] = 0;s[1][4] = BY; s[2][0] = AX*BY%mod; s[2][1] = AY*BX%mod; s[2][2] = AX*BX%mod; s[2][3] = 0;s[2][4] = AY*BY%mod; s[3][0] = AX*BY%mod; s[3][1] = AY*BX%mod; s[3][2] = AX*BX%mod; s[3][3] = 1;s[3][4] = AY*BY%mod; s[4][0] = s[4][1] = s[4][2] = s[4][3] = 0;s[4][4] = 1;}void cop(long long a[][5],long long b[][5]){ for (int i = 0;i < 5; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) a[i][j] = b[i][j]; } }void solve(){ if (n == 0){ printf("0\n"); return ; } n--; cop(cal,s);memset(ret,0,sizeof ret);for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) ret[i][i] = 1; while (n){ if (n%2){ mul(ret,cal,ts); cop(ret,ts); } mul(cal,cal,ts); cop(cal,ts); n /= 2; } long long rt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){ rt = (rt + ans[i]*ret[3][i]%mod)%mod; } printf("%lld\n",rt);}int main(){ while (~scanf("%lld %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld %lld",&n,&A0,&AX,&AY,&B0,&BX,&BY)){ init(); solve(); } return 0;}
posted @ 2016-10-01 01:04 阅读( ...) 评论( ...)